Types of Contributions

The following types of contributions are invited:
  1. Papers: up to 20 minute presentations on scholarly research, practical advances, best practices, and educational projects. Both completed research and early work/preliminary results are invited. Submit a 1,500 word abstract, plus references. PAPER ABSTRACT TEMPLATE
  2. Panels: up to 90 minute sessions that are interactive and offer different perspectives and approaches to a specific topic.  Authors must propose the format and invite up to five panelists (including the moderator). Submit a 750 word abstract, including names and affiliations of panel organizer and panelists, plus references. PANEL ABSTRACT TEMPLATE
  3. Workshops: up to 90 minute sessions that will be tutorial and educational in nature, and are intended to foster interactive discussions for attendees who share common interests. Submit a 750 word abstract, plus references. WORKSHOP ABSTRACT TEMPLATE
  4. Posters: short graphic presentations that will be presented in a poster session. An award will be given for Best Poster. Submit 750 word abstract, plus references. POSTER ABSTRACT TEMPLATE
  5. PhD Forum: short presentations by doctoral students, related to their dissertation. The PhD Forum provides doctoral students the opportunity to present their work to senior faculty in a relatively informal setting and to receive feedback on their dissertation by a panel of international educators. Submit a 750 word abstract, plus references. PHD FORUM ABSTRACT TEMPLATE
  6. Student Showcase: short presentations by undergraduate and graduate students, related to their academic research, practical projects, etc. The showcase will provide students with an opportunity to get feedback on their work in an informal setting and advice on how to develop their work further and get published. The best showcase presentation will receive the LIDA 2025 Outstanding Student Award. Submit a 750 word abstract, plus references. STUDENT SHOWCASE ABSTRACT TEMPLATE
Important Submission Information:
All proposals will be refereed in a double-blind process and MUST follow formal LIDA guidelines and templates.  Only proposals following the LIDA templates will go forward for review. The conference language is English and all work should be in English, original and not previously presented or published. Submission of proposals (extended abstracts) should be made using the EasyChair submission system (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=lida2025).
For all submissions, at least one author MUST be registered and present at the conference. Authors can choose to 1) orally present their papers, or 2) both present their paper orally and submit a full-text manuscript to be considered for publication in a peer-reviewed scholarly journal (TBA). Author guidelines for full-text manuscripts (for publication in the journal) will be provided after the review process.