Accessible Conference Guide


Accessible Conference Guide will ensure that presentations and delivery techniques are as accessible as possible to all. In this guide you will find all relevant information for designing and delivering your presentation.

Diversity awareness

Be aware and open to the diversity in your audience. When planning your content understand that some of your audience might not be able to:

  • See well or at all
  • Hear well or at all
  • Move well or at all
  • Speak well or at all
  • Process information in certain formats well or at all

Your audience has both visible and invisible identities and accessibility needs

Event setup

The LIDA 2025 conference is being planned to be fully in-person. It will be held at the Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik (address: Don Frana Bulića 4, Dubrovnik, Croatia), in the large Conference hall “Dvorana Ivan Supek” located on the ground floor and rooms located on the first floor. The Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik building regretfully does not have elevator access since it is an older structure so we kindly as for your understanding.
Welcome reception, coffee breaks and lunch will be held in the courtyard of the Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik. In case of bad weather Welcome reception will be held in the Cafeteria Atrium located on the ground floor.

The conference organizers will:

  • ensure adequate sound system and arrange for microphones
  • arrange for good visibility of the speakers
  • arrange for good Internet connections
  • consider accessibility when planning the schedule
  • limit the distractions
  • provide speakers with accessibility requirements and guidance.

Speakers (during the meetings and presentation)

  • time limit for each presentation is 20 min + Q&A 10 min
  • time limit for panels and workshops is 90 min
  • limit the amount of text on each slide
  • make text and important visuals big enough to be read even from the back of the room
  • use an easy-to-read font face
  • use sufficient contrast between colors
  • consider how to use motion or animations
  • make provided material accessible
  • describe all relevant visual information
  • speak clearly
  • use simple language
  • give people time to process information
  • be visible
  • use microphone
  • limit distractions
  • keep up the time limit

Designing your presentation:

  • font size and amount of text on each slide (use left justification, a recommended text size is no less than 32 points, use mixed upper and lower case, use sans serif font types, avoid the use of italic font style, do not use more than one font type per slide)
  • color and brightness contrast (background and foreground colors should offer a good color contrast, for the avoiding glare use dark background colors and bright colors for the text, keep figures and graphs as simple as possible, keep animation to a minimum)
  • oral support during slide viewing (explain the format of the session, read aloud all text presented on slides, explain figures and graphs, explicitly mention the region of interest in the slide, if you need to use a lot of text on a slide, read it slowly and clearly
  • handouts (if you have them, distribute copies before your presentation, be aware that color is lost in grey tone prints, have enough full-page copies of your slides for people with reading difficulties)

For more detailed information, please visit: