
MONDAY, June 2 |
9:30 |
Opening of LIDA 2008
Introduction by Tefko Saracevic and Tatjana Aparac-Jelušić |
9:45-10:30 |
Key Note Speech: Paolo Galluzzi (Istituto e Museo Nazionale di Storia della Scienza in Florence)
Galileo's blog: the Digital Library as a Repository of Knowledge |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00-12:00 |
Session I
Introduction by: Marie Radford, Chair
Invited Talk: Kathleen Kern (Library of the U of Illinois at Urbana, Ill, USA)
The Mediated Digital Library: Ranganathan and Green come to visit |
12:00-13:30 |
Workshop A
Title: Virtual Reference with QuestionPoint's Reference Management Service
Presenter: Susan McGlamery (OCLC QuestionPoint) |
12:30-13:30 |
Workshop B
Title: Librarianship is Dead – Long Live the Librarian
Presenter: Helle Lauridsen (CSA Illustrata at ProQuest, Denmark) |
15:00-15:40 |
Invited Talk: Caleb Tucker-Raymond (Multnomah County Library, Portland, OR, USA)
Models for Using Digital Reference Transcripts to Create Digital Reference Tools |
16:45-16:45 |
Accepted Papers
Paula Rumbaugh (OCLC, Inc., Dublin, Ohio, USA)
Knowledge Management in Today’s Library Reference: Does the Knowledge Base Fill the Bill?
Marie L. Radford, Ph.D. (Rutgers U, NJ, USA) and Lynn Silipigni Connaway
(OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., USA)
Cordial Connections: Evaluating Virtual Reference from User, Non-User, and Librarian Perspectives using the Critical Incident Technique |
16:45-17:00 |
Coffee break |
17:00-19:00 |
Collaborative Reference Interfaces to Harness Wisdom of the Masses
Presenters: Ong Eng Chuan, Tang Puay Eng and Yit Chin Chuan (National Library Singapore)
All-inclusiveDigitalArchiving: Problems and Possible Technical Solutions
Presenters: Dunja Holcer, Nataša Bujas (Public Library, Children’s Department, Sisak, Croatia), Andrej Tihomirović and Slaven Ille (Infosistem d.d., Zagreb, Croatia)
Processing and Presentation of Digital Content and Collections with METEL WIN Librarian Software
Presenter: Danko Tkalec (POINT d.o.o., Varaždin, Croatia)
ZEUTSCHEL Scanner Technology: The Future of the Past. Analog and Digital Storage Systems
Presenter: Ivan Šibenik (Tehničar Birocomp, Zagreb, Croatia)
19:00 |
Welcome Party at IUC |
TUESDAY, June 3 |
09:30-11:00 |
Accepted Papers
Susan McGlamery and Lynn Silipigni Connaway (OCLC QuestionPoint, USA)
QualityAssuranceinaMulti-state, Multi-nationalVirtualReferenceCooperative
Tanja Merčun and Maja Žumer (U of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
LibraryCatalogue: theUltimateReferenceTool?
Jacqueline Solis, Pam Sessoms, Kim Vassiliadis, and Lisa Norberg (U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)
DigitalReferenceinaNextGenerationUnionCatalog |
11:00-11:30 |
Coffee Break |
11:30-13:00 |
Accepted Papers
Leonidas Papachristopoulos, Giannis Tsakonas (U of Patras, Patras, Greece) and Christos Papatheodorou (Ionian U, Corfu, Greece)
Enforcement of Information Seeking Behaviour through Digital Library Services
Omar Larouk, Salah Dalhoumi (ELICO, ENSSIB – Lyon, Villeurbanne, France)
Reference Quality of Services Web: Personalization Thematic for the Institutional Sites of Controlled Quality
Aggelos Mitrelis (U of Patras, Patras, Greece), Giannis Tsakonas and Christos Papatheodorou (Ionian U, Corfu, Greece)
Using Qualitative Research Methods for the Improvement of Collaborative Information Searching Tools Design. |
14:30-15:30 |
Accepted Papers
Scott Vine and Pamela Snelson (Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA, USA)
From Instant Messaging to House Calls: the Development, Use and Effects of Virtual Reference in the College Library Environment
Helen Petrie, Christopher Power and David Swallow (U of York, Heslington, UK) and Sharon L. Bostick (U of Missouri at Kansas City MO, USA)
Requirements for eServices in Libraries to Support Students and Staff with Disabilities in Higher and Further Education |
15:00-16:00 |
Cofee Break |
16:00-17:30 |
Accepted Papers and Demos
Myoung C. Wilson, Richard W. Wilson and Stacy M. Smulowitz (Rutgers U, New Brunswick, NJ, USA)
Seduction by the Internet: a Study of Undergraduate Use of Web Resources.
Manfred Mayer (U of Graz Library, Austria)
Working with the Newly Developed “The Traveller’s Conservation Copy Stand (TCCS 4232)”
Ervin Ajazaj (Info Technology Supply Ltd., UK) and Slaven Ille (Infosistem d.d., Zagreb, Croatia)
A Step toward Library Self-sufficiency: Human and Financial Resource Optimisation with the Help of Automated Solutions. |
17:30-19:00 |
Title: A “kind of” Virtual Reference Instrument: Show Me: An Electronic Tutorial on Searching Electronic Database.
Presenter: Carol Gordon |
17:30-19:00 |
Title: Standards in Digital Libraries
Presenters: Nenad Nikolić, Ana Marija Boljanović and Danijela Novota Krajnović (Croatian Standards Institute, Zagreb, Croatia) |
9:00-9:30 |
Accepted Paper
Cathal Hoare (National U College Ireland, Cork, Ireland)
The Visual Query Circle |
09:30-10:30 |
Session II
Introduction by: Anna Maria Tammaro and Jeffrey Pomerantz, Chairs
Jeffrey Pomerantz (SILS, U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA)
Designing, Developing, and Evaluating an Interdisciplinary Digital Library Curriculum |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00-12:30 |
Invited Talk
Gregory R. Crane (Tufts University, Medford MA, USA)
Cyberinfrastructure to Transcend Language and Open up Cultures |
15:00-16:30 |
Accepted papers
Mats Dahlström and Alen Doracic (U College of Boras / U of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Teaching Cultural Heritage Digitization: Ten Challenges we faced
Zinaida Manžuch (Vilnius U, Vilnius, Lithuania)
Towards a Framework for Education and Training of Digital Curators
Erich Renhart (VESTIGIA – Manuscript Research Centre, U of Graz, Austria):
Education and Training for Digital (Manuscript) Libraries in the East- and South-East-European Countries. |
16:30-17:00 |
Coffee break |
17:00-18:30 |
Accepted papers
Francisco-Javier García-Marco (U de Zaragoza, Spain)
Teaching Digital Libraries in Spain: Context and Experiences
Maria Cristina Pattuelli (Pratt Institute, NY, USA)
KnowledgeOrganizationinDigitalLibrarianship: ADisciplineinFlux
Erda Lapp (Bochum U Library, Bochum, Germany)
The Teaching Library at Peak Performance: How Much Can we Teach (and How Much Teaching are our Students Willing to Take? |
18:30-20:00 |
Poster Session (with Cheese and Wine) |
THURSDAY, June 5 |
8:30 |
Meeting at the Port of Gruž and transfer to Mljet on ferry Nona Ana
transfer to Mljet |
11:00 |
Arrival and registration at hotel Odisej, Pomena |
14:30-15:30 |
Invited Talk
Tefko Saracevic (Rutgers U, NJ, US)
Contents of a General Course in Digital Libraries: A Case Study |
15:30-16:00 |
Coffee Break |
16:00-17:00 |
Accepted Papers
C. Olivia Frost (U of Michigan, USA)
Education for Digital Libraries: Reflections on Measuring Success
Terry Weech (U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Ill, USA)
Educational Strategies for Digital Librarianship: One Perspective from IFLA |
17:00-18:30 |
An Afternoon with Guest of Honor
Peter Ingwersen (Royal School of LIS, Copenhagen, Denmark)
A Context-Driven Integrated Framework for Research on Interactive IR |
19:30 |
Welcome Coctail |
20:00 |
FRIDAY, June 6 |
8:30-10:00 |
PhD Forum – sponsored by ASIST
Jelena Magliaro (PhD student, U of Windsor, Canada)
Information Literacy: Comparing Information Competency Levels and Exploring
Perceptions about Library Usage of Students in Selected Graduate Programs
Signe Jantson (PhD student, Tallinn U, Tallinn, Estonia)
Book Trade in Estonia 1865 – 1940
Sung Un Kim (PhD student, Rutgers U, NJ, USA)
The Information Search Process of English Language Learner (ELL) Students
in a Guided Inquiry Project
Elaine Ménard (PhD student, U de Montréal, Montreal, Canada)
Image Retrieval in a Multilingual World |
10:00-10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30-11:15 |
Invited talk
Anna Maria Tammaro (U of Parma, Parma, Italy)
Internationalisation and Digital Librarianship: Models of Quality, Core Values and Innovation of Education
11:15-11:45 |
Closing of LIDA 2008 |
11:45-12:30 |
Introducing LIDA 2009
Safeguarding our Past and our Future: Long Term Preservation of Digital Content
Presenter: Natasa Milic-Frayling (Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK) |
14:30-16:00 |
Workshop E
Title: Education for Digital Libraries: Do we Produce Informed Profesionals? & Managing Digital Resources: Do we Get Informed Practitioners?
Presenters: Boris Badurina, Boris Bosančić, Tanja Buzina, Sofija Klarin, Sonja Pigac-Ljubi and Mirna Willer (Universities of Osijek and Zadar and National and University Library Zagreb, Croatia) |
14:30-16:00 |
Workshop F
Title: The Library Planning Model Shows the Difference: Information Resources: Print and Electronic: Information use: USA and Austria
Presenters: Karin Karlics (U of Graz, Graz, Austria) and Robert M. Hayes (UCLA, CA, USA) |
Poster Session:
- Tanja Didak-Prekpalaj, Tamara Horvat, Željka Motika and Dubravka Vukalović (HIDRA, Zagreb, Croatia)
Information Accessability and Public Administration Services
- Damir Hasenay, Maja Blažević and Maja Krtalić (University of Osijek, Croatia)
Preservation of Written Heritage: a Look through Professional Literature
- Tamara Krajna (U of Zagreb, Croatia) and Vesna Špac (Naval Institute, Zagreb, Croatia)
Digital Reference Service - Shipbuilding and Naval Architecture
- Bojan Macan and Marina Mayer (Ruđer Bošković Institute Library, Zagreb, Croatia)
Virtual Reference Service or to Serve Virtual References? RBI Library Experience
- Alisa Martek and Tea Fluksi (Croatian Geological Survey, Zagreb, Croatia)
Digital Reference Service at the Croatian Geological Survey
- Elaine Ménard (U de Montréal, Canada)
Image Retrieval in a Multilingual World
- Mokriš, Svjetlana. and Hasenay, Sanda (U of Osijek, Croatia)
“Digital” Users, Libraries are Ready for You!?
- Tatiana Petric (U Library Zadar, Croatia)
Managing Serials/Continuing Resources in the Digital Libraries
- Koraljka Golub (UKOLN, U of Bath, Bath, UK) and Douglas Tudhope (U of Glamorgan, Pontypridd, UK)
Delivering a Terminology Registry
- Marina Putnik and Anamaria Malbašić (Zagreb City Libraries)
Education of Librarians for New Services in Digital Environment: P.S. Please, Send Me the Answer
- Greta Šimičević and Željana Vučina (U of Zagreb, Croatia)
University Libraries in Digital Environment: Changes in Management, Communication and Library Services in Last 20 Years
- Alenka Štante (Josef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Science Information Centre at "Jožef Stefan" Institute Unlimited Coolaborate with Scientists, Students and other Eixternal.
- Andrej Tihomirović and Slaven Ille (Infosistem d.d., Zagreb, Croatia)
Info-Centar: Informatical Education on Customer Request
- Jasna Tingle (Adriatica.Net, Zagreb, Croatia), Dijana Machala and Lobel Machala (National and University Library, Zagreb, Croatia)
Open Educational Resources: a Tool for Global Life-Long Learning?
- Radovan Vrana (U of Zagreb, Croatia)
Education for Digital Libraries
- Evgenia Arh, Ana Božić Blažević
(U of Rijeka, Croatia)
Developing electronic library service in the University Library Rijeka: Check point trough ISO 2789:2006
- Jagoda Ille, Zagreb City Libraries, Helena Novak, Zadar Public Library
We have built it, they came, what next?: Croatian public libraries' collaborative virtual reference service: an overview
