
These presentations offer an opportunity to present work in progress, or research and development that is best communicated in an interactive or graphical format. An extended abstract or summary (maximum 2 typed double-spaced pages) of the poster presentation will appear in the Proceedings.
Guidelines for posters
- The standard poster board will be provided for mounting of individual poster elements: all posters should fit within a 100 cm by 70 cm area
- Arrange charts, tables, and other materials on the board for clarity of presentation: characters and figure legends should be readable from approximately 1.8 m away
- Lettered material should have appropriately heavy lettering; font size at least 20
- The illustrations should be easy to understand, but they need not be "arty"
- A large-character title banner, if possible, should go across the top of the poster, as a heading for the poster, font size at least 44. This banner should state the title (by uppercase letters), the name(s), affiliation(s) and e-mail(s) of the author(s)
Preparation Tips
- Your poster presentation should be educational, scientific and balanced. Be prepared to answer or discuss topic(s) that an attendee may have regarding your abstract.
- At least one of the authors must be at the assigned space during the designated time and date to discuss the work presented.
- Use arrows, numbers, bullet points or other devices to show those who will be viewing your poster the preferred sequence in which your poster should be reviewed.
- Keep your text to a minimum. Your emphasis should be on graphics – charts, graphs, and photos. Save what you might put into text for handouts.
Avoid crowded and cluttered posters; they are difficult to read and are often disregarded. Your poster should stimulate discussion, not give long presentation.
- Individual handouts relative to poster presentations are popular and encouraged. Provide extra copies of your abstract.
- Use a mailing tube or portfolio case for transporting your poster to the meeting.
- Push pins for mounting poster materials will be provided.
- Organizers cannot provide computers to aid poster presentations but presenters are encouraged to bring their own laptops.
- Limited access to Internet may be provided (if you need Internet access for your poster presentation, please, send an email to
