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Workshop B

Anna Maria Tammaro (University of Parma, Italy): Education and training for digitisation: European Minerva Project

PowerPoint presentation

The workshop will cover an overview of Minerva project organisation and results about European best practices and technical guidelines on digitisation programs. The description of the Minerva training programme will be the focus of the second part of the workshop, with the practical demonstration of the tutorial “Digital library models and definition”.

As digitization moves from small, discrete projects, conducted within individual institutions, to larger, multi-institutional and international digital programs, collaboration becomes an increasingly vital consideration. After Lund principles, the European Minerva project ( www.minervaeurope.org ) has started as a way to open up European digital collections for wider use, and the project's role in term of coordination and interaction between distributed digital (and not digital collections) should be stressed. This involves interistitutional cooperation, integrating different cultural heritage institutions in Europe. The funding, creation, access and sustainability of digital surrogates increasingly depend on arrangements in which institutions work with others, following agreed standards towards common objectives. These may range from relatively simple cooperative arrangements to collaborations where partners develop a common goal and input resources jointly.

The workshop, designed for the Minerva project, aims to clarify the challenges of cooperation in digitisation in an European environment by presenting an overview of the criteria and requirements for obtaining success in digitalisation projects. It will look at the technical and organizational issues involved in developing methods that exploit the strengths of digitalisation in an economical and cultural manner. Topics like user needs analysis, producing digital objects, metadata and standards that allow subsequent integration and interaction between digital collections, intellectual property rights and the marketing and evaluation of digital services will be discussed. Quality control will be a central issue, not only in terms of producing durable digital masters, but also in terms of accessibility and usability by users. Participants will have remote access to a wide variety of resources and services which include:

  • Minerva project Handbook and Guidelines
  • Minerva directories of guidelines and web sites
  • Reference and factual information
  • Tutorial online on “Digital library models and definitions”

This workshop is intended for librarians, archivists, curators, administrators, technologists, and others who are contemplating or implementing digital imaging programs. In particular the target audience should be collection managers in libraries and archives, managers of preservation and digitisation projects, staff of digitisation companies and service providers. Organizations included: Parma University – Department of Cultural Heritage, European Minerva Project, European ABSIDE Project . One and a half hour session