MONDAY, May 30 |
09:30 |
Registration starts |
10:00-12:00 |
Workshop B
Anna Maria Tammaro (University of Parma, Italy): Education and training for digitisation: European Minerva Project Panel Discussion
Mabrouka EL HACHANI (ENSSIB, France) and other ASIST Members: ASIS&T-EC Student Chapter
12:00-14:00 |
Workshop F
Catherine Bonser (OCLC PICA): From the cradle to the grave: The digital life cycle
15:00-15:30 |
Opening |
15:30-16:30 |
Invited Speaker
Christine L. Borgman (Depart. of Information Studies, UCLA, US): e-Science, e-Learning, and Digital Libraries |
16:30-17:00 |
Coffee break |
17:00-17:30 |
Guest of Honour
Robert (Bob) Hayes (UCLA, US):
Analysis of Circulation Data for the UCLA Library: 1997 through 2003
17:30-19:00 |
Monica Segbert-Elbertt, Rima Kupryte (, Rome, Italy): Collaborative management of e-resources – the (electronic Information for Libraries) project
Erda Lapp (Bochum University Library, Germany):
The development of alternative e-publishing structures and the role of the library
Marija Bjelić, Jasmina Plavac, Dina Popović (HIDRA, Croatia): The Archive of Network Resources – Collection, selection, processing and storage of documents acquired from the official websites of the public authority bodies of the Republic of Croatia
Erik Jan van Kleef (Ovid Technologies, Germany): SEARCHSOLVER - Ovid Federated Search Solution |
19:00 |
Exhibition – Elsevier and Welcome Party |
TUESDAY, May 31 |
09:30-10:30 |
Invited Speaker
Gary Marchionini, U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US:
Practice and Theory in Digital Libraries: The Case of Open Video |
10:30-11:00 |
Cofee break |
11:00-12:30 |
Graham Coe, Michaela O'Donovan, Fiona Rigby and Sam Searle (National Library of New Zealand):Collaborative Models for Provision of Digital Library Services: Experiences from the National Library of New Zealand
Sara McNicol (University of Central England, UK): An overview of the eVALUEd toolkit
Vivien Cook (OCLC PICA):
OpenWorldCAT and Netlibrary ebooks |
13:00 |
Visit to Research Library |
15:00-16:00 |
Invited Speaker
Bernard Frischer,
IATH, University of Virginia, US:
SAVE (Serving and Archiving Virtual Environments) |
16:00-16:30 |
Coffee break |
16:30-18:30 |
Dennis Nicholson (Centre for Digital Library Research, U of Strathclyde, Scotland): Managing the Virtual Future in a National Park: MoPark, METS and More
Susanna Prepeliczay (Archido, University Bremen, Germany): Experiences from the Elisad Gateway Project: building and maintaining a specialised digital library network in Elisad context
Iannello Robert (K.G. Saur Verlag): Build your own e-Library with Thomson Gale and K,G Saur!
Gabriele Bertioli (CSA, UK): CSA ILLUMINA The Platform that links all
your services |
09:30-10:30 |
Tefko Saracevic (Rutgers U, NJ, US): How were digital libraries evaluated? |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee break |
11:00-12:30 |
Mateja Šmid (Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, U of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Darko Majcenović (National and University Library, Ljubljana, Slovenia): User-centeres evaluation Framework of Digital Repositories: Re-use experience
Elaine Peterson (Montana State University, US): User-Centered Evaluation of Two Digital Libraries
Rosemary Aud Franklin (U of Cincinnaty, USA): The Problematic Learning-Object |
13:00 |
Visit to Research Library |
14:00-18:00 |
Workshop D
Tanja Buzina, Sonja Pigac, Mirna Willer (National and University Library, Zagreb, Croatia) Miroslav Milinović, Nebojša Topolšćak (University Computing Centre – SRCE, Croatia): Towards the hybrid library integrating information library system and digital archive issues in archiving web resources for a National Library and beyond |
15:00-17:00 |
Workshop E
Emil Levine (Vienna, Austria): Design and operation of a small special library: Digital resource implications |
17:00-19:00 |
Posters (with cheese and wine) |
THURSDAY, June 2 |
FRIDAY, June 3 |
8:30 |
ASIST breakfast |
09:30-11:00 |
Isabelle Rondeau, Lise Verlaet (Montpellier III U, Béziers Cedex, France): The New Digital Documents: Which Perspectives For Digital Libraries?
Richard E. Stern (Seton Hall University, USA): Co-Browsing at the Reference Desk
Damir Boras, Nikola Ljubešić, Nives Mikelić (Dept. of Information sciences, Faculty of Philosophy, Zagreb, Croatia): Croatian Old Dictionary Portal (CRODIP) |
11:00-11:30 |
Cofee Break |
11:30-13:00 |
Workshop G
David Bawden (City U, London, UK) and Polona Vilar (U of Ljubljana, Slovenia): Meet or manage? User expectations of digital libraries. |
Poster presentations
The American Corner
Maca Bahlen & Marija Cvetnic Kopljar, Croatia
Digital papers repository - DPR
Ana Bušelić & Kruno Golubić, Croatia
An example of digitization plan for library of Faculty of philosophy in Osijek
Maja Čujić, Lana Jovanovac & Jelena Mihnjak, Croatia
International Children`s Digital Library as an assistance to the children and youth with difficulties in reading and writing
Dunja-Marija Gabriel, Croatia
From the Bibliographic Stream to the Bibliographic Ocean
Kevin S. Hawkins, US
Library without walls
Tamara Krajna, Croatia
Traditional archives & libraries in digital world - diferencies and similiraties
Vlatka Lemić, Croatia
Map library usage survey : a mandate for change?
Nick Millea, UK, & Mira Miletić Drder, Croatia
The Architecture of DAMP - A System for Harvesting and Archiving
Web Publications
Miroslav Milinovic & Nebojsa Topolscak,, Croatia
Current participation of academic libraries in academic e-learning programs in Croatia
Dorja Mučnjak Payer & Evgenia Popović, Croatia
“A small window – a great view”
Silva Novljan, Slovenia
Education and training for digital libraries in Hungary, with examples of Berzsenyi College
Mihály Pálvölgyi, Hungary
Ideas on making academic digital library more appealing to students
Blanka Pašagić & Aleksandar Pašagić, Croatia
Electronic sources of geosciences
Irena Pilaš & Alisa Martek, Croatia
European national library web sites: an analysis
Jan Pisanski & Maja Žumer, Slovenia
Digital library services and their impact with reference to a developing country: The case of Faculty of Health Sciences library, Aga Khan University
Syed Attaullah Shah, Shahid Masood Baig, Azra Qureshi, Karachi-Pakistan
Online databases as one output of digital library and their effectiveness in university context: the use of online databases in 2003-2004 master theses
Shvea Sogenbits & Signe Jantson, Estonia
From CROSBI bibliography toward open access digital library
Jadranka Stojanovski, Croatia
Enhancing the academic curricula: content management systems and digital collections functioning together?
Radovan Vrana, Croatia
Open source software for (in) digital library
Boris Bosančić & Boris Badurina, Croatia
British Council and Virtual Resources
Andreja Catinelli, Croatia
European Student Chapter of the American Society for Information Science ASIS&T-EC
Mabrouka EL HACHANI, France
User-centred Evaluation Framework of Digital Repositories: reUSE
Mateja Šmid & Darko Majcenović, SLovenia
