These presentations offer an opportunity to present work in progress, or research and development that is best communicated in an interactive or graphical format. An extended abstract or summary (maximum 2 typed double-spaced pages) of the poster presentation will appear in the Proceedings.
Guidelines for posters
- The standard poster board will be provided for mounting of individual poster elements: all posters should fit within a 100 cm by 70 cm area
- Arrange charts, tables, and other materials on the board for clarity of presentation: characters and figure legends should be readable from approximately 1.8 m away
- Lettered material should have appropriately heavy lettering; font size at least 20
- The illustrations should be easy to understand, but they need not be "arty"
- A large-character title banner, if possible, should go across the top of the poster, as a heading for the poster, font size at least 44. This banner should state the title (by uppercase letters), the name(s), affiliation(s) and e-mail(s) of the author(s)
Preparation Tips
- Your poster presentation should be educational, scientific and balanced. Be prepared to answer or discuss topic(s) that an attendee may have regarding your abstract.
- At least one of the authors must be at the assigned space during the designated time and date to discuss the work presented.
- Use arrows, numbers, bullet points or other devices to show those who will be viewing your poster the preferred sequence in which your poster should be reviewed.
- Keep your text to a minimum. Your emphasis should be on graphics – charts, graphs, and photos. Save what you might put into text for handouts.
Avoid crowded and cluttered posters; they are difficult to read and are often disregarded. Your poster should stimulate discussion, not give long presentation.
- Individual handouts relative to poster presentations are popular and encouraged. Provide extra copies of your abstract.
- Use a mailing tube or portfolio case for transporting your poster to the meeting.
- Push pins for mounting poster materials will be provided.
- Organizers cannot provide computers to aid poster presentations but presenters are encouraged to bring their own laptops.
- Limited access to Internet may be provided (if you need Internet access for your poster presentation, please, send an email to ).
Style Guide for Poster Abstracts
- The poster abstract should be no longer than 3 single spaced pages.
- The title of the poster abstract should be in 14 point sized Times
Roman (or comparable) font in upper and lower case, bold-faced, beginning
on the first line, centered.
- The poster abstract should begin with an introduction. The word
“Introduction” should be typed in upper case, bold, and left flush, and
the section should be numbered;1. INTRODUCTION. Leave one line blank beneath the word.
- A maximum of three levels of numbered headings should be used: main
headings (all in upper case, bold); sub-headings (in upper and lower case,
bold); and sub-sub-headings (in italic, not bold), e.g.,
3.3. Examples of ethnographic studies
3.3.5. Smith's 1996 study
Leave a blank line before each heading. Flush the heading to the left margin
- Use 12 point sized Times Roman font throughout the paper, except in the
- Paragraphs are not indented. Leave one blank line between paragraphs.
- Right and left margins shall be 2,5 cm wide. Use full justification.
Top and bottom margins shall be 2,5 cm. Do not use columns.
- Graphics and tables must not exceed 10 x 16 cm. Keep graphics as
simple as possible.
- The pages should be numbered consecutively. Position the page number
at the bottom of the page, centered.
- Do not add headers or footers to your paper.
- Footnotes should be kept to a minimum. If footnotes are needed then list them at the end of the paper under a major heading (formatted as described above), do not number this heading; NOTES. Do not use footnotes at the bottom of pages. Do not use the endnotes function.
- The reference should be under a major heading (formatted as described
above), do not number this heading; REFERENCES.
- All acronyms or abbreviations should be spelt out in full when first
used in the text.
- Where necessary, authors should ensure that permission to reproduce
material quoted in their poster abstracts has been obtained from the
relevant copyright holders. The author, before submission of the poster
abstract, should secure the permission of any employer, supervisor, or
funding body.
- Citation style: Authors must follow the 5ed edition of the Publication
Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). A summary of the
manual can be found at this web site:
research/r_apa.html .
Please ignore the section ‘General format' and the reference list should not
begin on a separate page.
