Dunja Marija Gabriel is library advisor and consultant for public libraries in Croatian Institute for Librarianship (Center for Libraries and Librarianship Development) at National and University Library in Zagreb. She is a member of the Permanent Board for Maintenance and Development of the System of Unique Library Performance Electronic Statistical Data Collecting (http://hk.nsk.hr). In the Training Centre for Continuing Education of Librarians in Croatia she holds courses and workshops for Librarians.
She is member of Croatian Library Association (CLA), member of Professional Board of CLA, head of Croatian Public Libraries Section and member of Croatian Section for Library Services to People with Special Needs. She is co-chair of the National Campaign for Persons with Reading Difficulties and Dyslexia „I Wish to Read Too!“ (2016.-2021.) organized by Croatian Library Association in cooperation with National and University Library in Zagreb and Zagreb City Libraries.
She was Standing Committee member of IFLA/LSN Section for Library Services to People with Special Needs and author and co-author of several presentations and papers held on IFLA Conferences and World Libray and Information Congresses.
She publishes professional and scientific papers, organizes professional conferences and congresses (including biannual Croatian Conference on Public Libraries) and cooperates with numerous international professional experts to improve the work of public libraries in Croatia.