Mgr. Michaela Melicherová, PhD. MM was born in September ´91 in Bratislava (Slovakia), where in 2011 began studying at the Department of Library and Information Science (Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts). She completed her bachelor's degree by defending a thesis focused on standards and technologies in the context of digitization and preservation of text documents. She continued studies at the Department of LIS, during which she dealt with the related topic, long-term archiving of digital objects in institutional repositories. She elaborated the topic as a diploma thesis, for which she also received an award at the student scientific conference in the section Library and Information Science in 2016. In the same year, she was accepted to the position of an internal doctoral student at the Department of LIS, where, in addition to study and publishing activities, taught subjects focused on information in scholarly communication, academic writing and more. She also participated in the editorial of the Proceedings of Library and Information Science (Vol. 27 and 28), which the Department of LIS publishes regularly. During her doctoral studies, she became interested in the topic of alternative ways of assessing of science. In 2020 she defended her dissertation titled Application of alternative bibliometric indicators in the evaluation of science under the leadership of prof. Jaroslav Šušol. Throughout her studies, she gained practice in institutions such as The Bratislava City Library, The Documentation Centre/Library of National Bank of Slovakia, or at Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics (Comenius University in Bratislava), where she still works as a librarian. michaela.melicherova@uniba.sk