Dr Marijana Tomić is Associate Professor at the Department of Information Sciences and a Head of a scientific Centre for Research in Glagolitism of the University of Zadar, Croatia. She teaches courses in the theory and practice of information organization, cataloguing of old and rare books, book history, and the digital humanities. She has published a book, in addition to a number of papers and book chapters. She is a chair of an interdisciplinary scientific project Digitization, Bibliographic Description and Research of Texts Written on Glagolitic, Croatian Cyrillic and Latin Scripts Until the End Of 19th Century in Zadar and Šibenik Area which is being carried out at the University of Zadar by Centre for Research in Glagolitism in co-operation with Vestigia Manuscript Research Centre of the University of Graz, Austria, and an associate in a number of scientific and research projects.