Barbara H. Kwaśnik, Professor Emerita, taught in the areas of knowledge organization and representation, theory of classification, and information science. Her main research interests are formal aspects of classification structure, personal information management, and the intersection of classification with everyday human endeavor. One of the most rewarding aspects of her career has been work with doctoral students, where she contributed the understanding of classification to the research process at all levels, from conceptualization to analysis. She retired in 2018 from the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University in Syracuse, N.Y., USA, but believes one never retires from engagement with students. Her publication, “Changing Perspectives on Classification as a Knowledge-Representation Process” (Knowl. Org. 46 (2019) No.8) summarizes the evolution of her thinking about classification over the past forty years. Feel free to contact her at bkwasnik@syr.edu .