- Professor Marcia J. Bates (UCLA, CA, USA)
- Associate Professor Marija Dalbello (SCILS, Rutgers University, USA) – LIDA 2009 Co-Chair
- Dr. Kaye Howe (Executive Director, NSDL, USA)
- Professor Elizabeth D. Liddy (Syracuse University, USA) – LIDA 2009 Co-Chair
- Professor Tefko Saračević (Rutgers University, USA) - LIDA 2009 Co-Director
- Professor Paul Sturges (Library Studies at Loughborough University, UK)
- Professor Michael K. Buckland (UC Berkeley, CA, USA)
Professor Nicholas Belkin (SCILS, Rutgers U, NJ, USA)
- Professor Peter Ingversen (Royal School of LIS, Copengahen, Denmark)
Professor Michael K.Buckland
Michael K. Buckland is an Emeritus Professor at the UC Berkeley School of Information and Co-Director of the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative.
Professor Buckland entered in the profession as a trainee at the Bodleian Library after studying History at the University of Oxford. He took his professional qualification in librarianship from the University of Sheffield. In 1965 he joined the staff at the Lancaster University Library, one year after it was founded. From 1967 to 1972 he was responsible on a day-to-day basis for the University of Lancaster Library Research Unit where a series of studies were undertaken concerning book usage, book availability, and library management games. In the meanwhile he received his Ph. D from Sheffield University. His doctoral dissertation was published as Book Availability and the Library User (Pergamon, 1975).
In 1972 he moved to the United States to Purdue University Libraries where he was Assistant Director of Libraries for Technical Services. He became the Dean of the School of Library and Information Studies at Berkeley in 1976. From 1983 he served as Assistant Vice President for Library Plans and Policies for the nine campuses of the University of California. He has been a visiting professor in Austria and in Australia.
His writings include Library Services in Theory and Context (Pergamon, 1983; 2nd ed. 1988), Information and Information Systems (Praeger, 1991), Redesigning Library Services (American Library Association, 1992), and Emanuel Goldberg and his Knowledge machine (Libraries Unlimited, 2006).
Professor Buckland's interests include library services, information retrieval, cultural heritage, and the historical development of Information Management. He is Co-Director of the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative and is the Principal Investigator, with Fredric Gey and Ray Larson, of three funded projects Search Support for Unfamiliar Metadata Vocabularies, a three year project to make the searching of subject indexes easier and more reliable; Translingual Information Management Using Domain Ontologies, for improved translingual search support, and Seamless Searching of Numeric and Textual Resources, to facilitate searching across different kinds of databases.
He was President of the American Society for Information Science and Technology in 1998. At the ASIST Annual Conference in 2005 he received Watson Davis Award.
Professor Marcia Bates
Department of Information Studies, Graduate School of Education
and Information Studies, UCLA, CA, USA
Professor Bates has published widely in the areas of information system search strategy, user-centred design of information retrieval systems, and information seeking behavior. She teaches reference services, information seeking behavior, and user-centred design of information systems.
She has served as Associate Dean and Department Chair. She has consulted for numerous organizations in her areas of expertise, including private industry, dot-coms, government, and foundations, such as Library of Congress, Getty Research Institute, Council on Library and Information Resources and U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science .
Professor Bates is an elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement for Science, a recipient of the American Society for Information Science Research Award (1998), and has twice received the American Society for Information Science "Best Journal of ASIS Paper of the Year Award," (1980 and 2000). In 2001 she received the Frederick G. Kilgour Award for Research in Library and Information Technology, co-sponsored by the American Library Association's Library and Information Technology Association and OCLC, Inc.
After receiving a B.A. at Pomona College, Claremont, California, Marcia Bates taught English as a Second Language as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Thailand for two years. Upon return, she studied librarianship and information science at the University of California at Berkeley School of Library and Information Studies. She received her M.L.S. degree in 1967 and Ph.D. in 1972.
She subsequently taught at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, and at the University of Washington in Seattle. Receiving tenure at the University of Washington, she accepted a promotion at the University of California, Los Angeles in 1981, where she has taught ever since. At UCLA she is now a "Professor VI," a special rank requiring additional review beyond that for full professor.
Professor Elizabeth D. Liddy
Dean, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA
Professor Liddy leads a team of 12 researchers focused on developing human-like language-understanding software technologies. Liddy's research has been continuously focused on applying linguistic theories and technologies to improving information access since her dissertation research in 1988 that won 3 prestigious international awards for pioneer work in the successful application of linguistic theory to information retrieval.
Liddy's research agenda has been continuously supported by both government and corporate funders for a total of 54 projects. Her federal funders include the National Science Foundation, National Institute of Health, Department of Defense, U.S. Air Force, National Imagery and Mapping Agency, and NASA. Corporate sponsors have utilized her software in a wide range of both internal and external applications to improve knowledge capture from and access to textual data. Her research has resulted in over 75 professional papers and hundreds of presentations, both here and abroad. Additionally, Liddy is the inventor on 7 patents in the area of Natural Language Processing.
In the School of Information Studies, Dr. Liddy teaches courses in Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, and Data Mining.
Dr Kaye Howe
Executive Director, National Science Digital Library
Kaye Howe received her Ph.D. in comparative literature and since 2004 she has been involved in the broad quest for knowledge and understanding through her role as executive director of the National Science Digital Library.
A major part of Dr's Howe day-to-day job is to facilitate communication and keep a complicated system of distributed activity running smoothly. Hers own commitment to education and related fields has a long history.
After receiving her PhD, she joined the faculty of the University of Colorado at Boulder, where she served as chair of the graduate program in comparative literature before becoming the university's vice chancellor for academic services in 1981. From 1990 to 1996, she did a stint as president of Western State College in Gunnison, Colorado. After leaving Western State, she returned to Boulder and was president of Jones International University, a regionally accredited distance learning organization.
Over the years Kaye has devoted remarkable energy to community service, a part of her life that has energized her career. In 2004 she was honored with the YWCA of Boulder County Woman of the Year award.
Professor Tefko Saračević
Tefko Saracevic is Professor II (highest academic rank at Rutgers University) since 1991. He is co-chair of LIDA Conference from the beginning. He is professor at School of Communication, Information and Library Studies at Rutgers University since 1985.
His research interests are widely spread and include research, education and service in information science. His research interests include: human information behavior; human-computer interaction from the human viewpoint; modeling interaction processes in information retrieval; criteria, measures and methods for performance evaluation of information retrieval systems and information systems in general; evaluation of digital libraries; and analysis of Web queries as submitted to search engines etc. He is interested in theoretical and pragmatic study of value of information and library services and investigates nature of information science as a field. As principal investigator or co-principal he has received research grants from the National Science Foundation, National Institutes for Health, Department of Education, Council for Library Resources, the Rockefeller Foundation, UNESCO, and several other national and international organizations. Results are widely reported, distributed, and cited.
He is active in a number of professional associations. He was the president of the American Society for Information Science (ASIS) in 1991. He received many important awards and acknowledgments such as the Gerard Salton Award for Excellence in Research, by the Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval, Association for Computing Machinery (SIGIR/ACM) in 1997; the ASIS Award of Merit in 1995; the 1989 Best Paper Award in the Journal of the American Society for Information Science; the ASIS Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award in 1985; and the Rutgers University Board of Trustees Award for Excellence in Research in 1991. He was a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Zagreb, Croatia in 1994 and was granted a second Fulbright scholarship for 1999.
In a histogram of citations from papers in the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST & predecessor names), from the Web of Science for years 1956-2006 and involving 4065 authors, professor Tefko Saracevic was ranked first in citations to his work both in articles in the Journal, as well in articles globally from that Journal.
To read more about rich curriculum vitae of professor Tefko Saracevic please visit
Professor Paul Sturges
Professor Emeritus,
Department of Information Science,
Loughborough University, UK;
Professor Extraordinary,
University of Pretoria, South Africa
His central professional commitment since the mid 1990s has been to Intellectual Freedom issues. Consultant to the Council of Europe on freedom of expression and public access points to networked information, and also on library legislation, 1997-2001. Chair of the IFLA FAIFE Committee since August 2003.
He drew up the Council of Europe guidelines on Public access and freedom of expression in networked information (Council of Europe Publishing, 2001). Was Project Leader for the Privacy in the Digital Library Environment project, financed by UK Re:source 2000-2001 (Paul Sturges et al. User privacy in the digital library environment: an investigation of policies and preparedness. Library Management 24, 2003, 44-50). Is author of Public Internet access in libraries and information services (Facet, 2002).
He has travelled widely throughout the world, giving lectures and conference presentations, and leading workshops on Intellectual Freedom topics. His more than 150 articles, reports and books deal with a variety of issues in information science, with a strong emphasis on the developing world and Africa in particular. He is joint author with Richard Neill of The quiet struggle: information and libraries for the people of Africa (Mansell, 2nd ed., 1998); and joint editor (with John Feather) of the International encyclopedia of information and library science, (Routledge, 2nd ed., 2003).
Associate Professor Marija Dalbello
Marija Dalbello is an Associate Professor of Library and Information Science at Rutgers University. Her research focuses on the influence of culture and society on documentary practices, documents and representations that are used to diffuse knowledge. Within that broad framework, she published on transition from print to digital formats, with a focus on the emergent digital collections; on the transformation of visual culture between 1886 and 1935, as the wider problem of transformation of visual culture and modernity; and on documentary borderlands reflecting media transitions and study of print culture in a transnational framework. Her articles appeared in The Library Quarterly, Library & Information Science Research, and Book History among other scholarly journals. She co-edited a collection "Print Culture in Croatia:
The Canon and the Borderlands" (2006) with Tinka Katic. She is currently co-editing two collections: "Visible Writings, Cultures, Forms, Readings"
with Mary Shaw, and "Constructing the Heritage of Cultures" with Wayne Wiegand and Pam Richards (in memoriam). She bridges and combines styles of research undertaken by information scientists and historians of print. She chaired the New Jersey chapter of ASIS&T in 2003-2004 and is subject editor for dLIST (Digital Library of Information Science and Technology), a cross-institutional, open access digital archive for the information sciences. She co-organizes an interdisciplinary book history series at Rutgers (2007-2010). Her Ph.D. in Information Studies is from the University of Toronto and Masters of Library and Information Science at Kent State University. Her undergraduate degrees are from the University of Zagreb (Croatia).
More at: and
Professor Peter Ingwersen
Royal School of Librarianship, Denmark
Head of department
Professor Peter Ingwersen is researching interface functionalities for interactive information retrieval, in particular a cognitive and global approach to user and request model building and multi-functional representations of information sources in multimedia environments. He is an expert in several important areas such as: digital management, information seeking and information behavior, knowledge organization and information architecture, research evaluation and user interfaces.
Among lots of interesting and important research projects from 1996 to 2000 he was leading partner of the Centre for Informetric Studies in period 1996-2000. Lately, he is head of the TAPIR research group at the Royal School of LIS on text accessibility in interactive Information Retrieval as well as continuing the study of scientific communication patterns through citation analyses.
It is important to point out world acknowledgments for his work. Two years ago (2007) professor Ingwersen won ASIST Outstanding Teacher Award for his international syllabus innovations and teaching skills in Information Science.
On 2005 he has got Derek de Solla Price Medal for his research in Scientometrics and Webometrics and on the same year he won Thomson Award for being most cited Danish researcher in the social sciences.
Professor Ingwersen has published several books, among which The Turn: Integration of Information Seeking and Retrieval in Context, (co-authored by Kalervo Järvelin) received international recognition. He is really distinguished teacher and is invited to many European Universities as well as other World countries.
Last year professor Ingwersen was Guest of Honour at LIDA 2008 Conference.
Professor Nicholas Belkin
Professor Nicholas Belkin is Professor (II) of information science at School of Communication, Information and Library Studies at Rutgers University. Professor Nicholas Belkin studies people's interactions with information (in particular, their information seeking behaviors), and relates these results to the design of interactive information systems. This work in particular addresses the access and searching functions of the digital library. His fields of interests are information retrieval systems; he has done many projects including user modeling, interface design, interaction techniques, and evaluation of interactive systems. Professor Belkin has consistently emphasized the importance of understanding human behavior in the search for and use of information and information systems. In this area he developed hypothesis known as ASK (Anomalous State of Knowledge) to explain why and how people search for and use information.
Professor Belkin is an author and co-author of books and articles which are dealing with use of interactive information retrieval behavior. His work is recognized internationally.
Professor Belkin is distinguishing member of many professional organizations. He was chair of Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR) in period 1995-1999 and is still active member of it. He is also active member of American Society for Information Science since 1970. Professor Belkin is also a member of program committees of many conferences and important meetings. In 2001 he visited Croatia as Fulbright Senior Specialist.
American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST) awarded him with Award of Merit in 2003. Professor Belkin won SCILS Excellence in Research Award in 2001. He has also received the 1997 ASIS Research Award and the 1990 ASIS Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award.
