MONDAY, May 25 - Dubrovnik, IUC |
9:00 |
Registration at IUC |
9:00-10:30 |
Workshop A
Title: Quantum²: Developing Best Practices : How to Achieve Operational Excellence in Information Services
Presenter: Gabrielle Derriks, Graduate Education Program & Training Consultant, Dialog |
9:00-10:30 |
Workshop B
Title: Developing Digital Libraries for Scientists
Presenter: Michael Leach (Harvard U Libraries, MA, USA) |
10:30-11:00 |
Get Together Coffee |
11:00 |
Opening of LIDA 2009
Introduction by: Tefko Saracevic and Tatjana Aparac-Jelušić |
11:15-12:00 |
Key Note Speach: Tefko Saracevic (SCIS, Rutgers U, NJ, USA): Changes and Trends in the Broad Arena of Digital Libraries During the Past Decade: Reflections from the Conference – Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) 2000-2009 |
12:00-13:30 |
Session I
Introduction by: Elisabeth Liddy (Syracuse U, NJ, USA): Designing Curriculum to Educate Digital Library Professionals in iSchools
Invited Talk: Kaye Howe (National Science Digital Library, Denver, CO, USA): Through a Glass Darkly: the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) and the Journey to Educational Vision |
15:00-15:45 |
Invited Talk: Paul Sturges (Laughborough U, UK): Information Ethics in the Twenty First Century |
15:45-16:00 |
Coffee Break |
16:00-17:30 |
Reflections: Accepted papers
García Marco Francisco Javier (U of Zaragoza, Spain): Digital Libraries and the New Ecology of Information
Eve Gaus (Elgin Community College Library, Elgin, IL, USA), Marta Deyrup Mestrovic (Seton Hall U, South Orange, NJ, USA), Terry Weech and Alyssa Briggs (U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL, USA): 10 Years Later: Has the Blurring of the Roles of Cultural Institutions Helped or Hurt Libraries?
Anna Maria Tammaro (U of Parma, Italy): Considering the Humanities Scholars Perspectives of Digital Libraries: an Italian Case Study |
17:30-19:00 |
R. Brecht, T. Brix, U. Döring, V. Henkel, H. Krömker and M. Reeßing. (U of Technology Ilmenau, Germany): Digital Mechanism and Gear Library – Multimedia Collection of Text, Pictures and Physical Models (ppt presentation) - Paper
Gregor Vidmar (MFC.2 d.o.o., Slovenia): The Virtual Solution to Providing Access to Digitalized Content
Helle Lauridsen, John Law (Discovery Services-Serials Solutions, Aarhus, Denmark): From Varied Collections to Unified Library Search –Is it Possible? |
19:00 |
Welcome Party at IUC |
TUESDAY, May 26 - Dubrovnik, IUC |
09:30-10:30 |
Invited Speaker: Nicholas Belkin (SCILS, Rutgers U, NJ, USA): Personalizing the Digital Library Experience: Progress and Prospects |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00-13:00 |
Accepted Papers – Economic issues
Robert M. Hayes (UCLA, CA, USA), Karin Karlics and Christian Schlögl (U of Graz, Austria): The Problem of Measuring e-Resources
Gordana Dukic, Darko Dukic and Sanda Hasenay (U J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek, Croatia): Queuing Simulation Model as a Library Management Support in Terms of Informatization
Rike Brecht, Heidi Krömker and Christian Wagner (Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany): Generic Model Mapping Users’ Goals and Tasks to Typical Digital Library Functions ppt presentation) - Paper
Aris Kemper (Ontoo, informacijske rešitve, d.o.o., Slovenia): OntoLib and Library 2.0
14:30-15:30 |
Introduction to Theme II – Marija Dalbello: Heritage as Information Practice: A Survey of Concepts, Projects, and Emerging Constructions of Heritage |
15:30-16:00 |
Cofee Break |
16:00-17:00 |
Invited Speaker – Marcia Bates: On Heritage and the Information Disciplines |
17:00-18:30 |
Accepted Papers
Gaëlle Béquet (Ecole nationale des chartes/ASSIC, Paris 3 Sorbonne, France): Digital Library as a Controversy
Zinaida Manzuch (Vilnius U, Vilnius, Lithuania ): Collaborative Networks of Archives, Libraries and Museums in Digitisation Initiatives
Alemka Belan-Simić, Jagoda Ille and Ismena Meić (Zagreb City Libraries, Zagreb, Croatia): Digitized Zagreb Heritage: New Service of the Zagreb City Libraries
Transfer from Dubrovnik to Zadar for all participants registered for both locations |
THURSDAY, May 28 - University of Zadar |
8:30-9:30 |
Registration (Main University's building, Obala kralja Petra Krešimira) |
9:30-10:30 |
Invited Speaker – Peter Ingwersen (Royal School of LIS, Copenhagen, Denmark): Information Retrieval in Context of Digital Libraries |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00-13:00 |
Accepted Papers (Rectorat's building)
Isto Huvila (Abo Akademi U. Finland): Steps Towards a Participatory Digital Library and Data Archive for Archaeological Information
Denis Moser (U of Wyoming, WO, USA): The Avatar in the Archives
Bonnie Mak (U of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Ill, USA): The Future of the Past: Using the Digital Library |
13:00-15:00 |
Visits – groups to visit City Library Zadar, Muzej antičkog stakla, Zlato i srebro Zadra |
15:30-17:00 |
Accepted papers
(Main University's building, Obala kralja Petra Krešimira)
Ivanka Stricevic (U of Zadar, Croatia): Children’s Digital Libraries: Developments and Trends.
Sonia Marcos Macia (Basque Government Culture Department, Spain): Capturing the Basque Web
Damir Pavelic (University of Zagreb, Croatia) Fernanda Peset (Polythecnic University of Valencia, Spain) and Imma Subirats (FAO of the United Nations, Italy):The Successful Promotion of Open Access within the International Community of Library and Information Science: E-LIS
Sanjay Kataria, Jata Shankar Gupta and Manas Jaiswal (JIIT U, Noida, UP, India):
Impact of Web 2.0 Technologies in the Enhancement of Usage of Library Resources and Services: An Experiment@ JIIT University, Noida (UP) India |
17:00-18:30 |
An Afternoon with Guest of Honor – Michael Buckland
(Main University's building, Obala kralja Petra Krešimira) |
19:00 |
Welcome Coctail (Restaurant Citadela) |
19:30 |
Banquet (Restaurant Citadela) |
FRIDAY, May 29 - University of Zadar |
8:30-10:00 |
PhD Forum – sponsored by ASIST (Main University's building, Obala kralja Petra Krešimira) |
10:00-10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30-12:00 |
Session I – Preservation (Rectorat's building)
Damir Hasenay and Maja Krtalic (U J.J. Strossmmayer in Osijek, Croatia) and Tihonija Zovko (Central Diocesan and Faculty Library in Djakovo, Croatia): Some Perspectives on Use and Preservation of Heritage: An Example
Robert Pym (Charles Sturt U, Wagga Wagga, Australia): Television archiving – managing the move from analogue to digital |
10:00-13:00 |
Session II – Bibliographic Issues (Rectorat's building)
Theme I: Conceptual models for bibliographic and authority data+
Maja Žumer (U of Ljubljana, Slovenia): Modelling bibliographic data: FRBR & FRBRoo - FRBR: the bright new future?
Mirna Willer (U of Zadar, Croatia): Modelling authority data: FRAD
Maja Žumer (U of Ljubljana, Slovenia): Modelling subject authority data: FRSAR
Theme II: FRBR as a reference model Gordon Dunsire (CDLR, U of Strathclyde, UK): FRBR, RDA and the Semantic Web
Jan Pisanski and Maja Žumer (U of Ljubljana, Slovenia): Eliciting mental models of the bibliographic universe using the comparison task
Tanja Merčun and Maja Žumer (U of Ljubljana, Slovenia): Visualizing FRBR
Discussion |
15:00-17:30 |
Workshop C (University of Zadar - new campus)
Title: Dublin Core Tools Community workshop: Issues and challenges with the implementation of metadata schemes
Presenters: Thomas Severiens (University of Osnabruck), Seth van Hooland (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Dan Brickley (Netherlands) and Cesare Concordia (Pisa, Italy) |
15:00-17:30 |
Workshop D (Rectorat's building)
Title: Digital Library Reference Model
Presenter: Vittore Casarosa (Florence, Italy) |
17:30-18:00 |
Closing of LIDA 2009 and Introducing LIDA 2010
(Main University's building, Obala kralja Petra Krešimira) |
18:00-20:00 |
Poster Session - with Cheese and Wine
(Main University's building, Obala kralja Petra Krešimira) |
20:00 |
Presentation of the Libellarium – Journal of the History of writing, books, and memory institutions (Main University's building, Obala kralja Petra Krešimira) |
Poster Session: (Accepted till February, 15)
- Vesna Aleksandrović (National Library of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia): Saving the Serbian Sound Heritage: turning ideas to actions
- Tanja Buzina (National and University Library in Zagreb, Croatia), Drahomira Gavranović and Mirna Willer (U of Zadar, Croatia): Can a Web Information Object Shake Library Classification Principles and Tools? Findings of a Case Study
- Višnja Cej, Kluk Giunio and Tomislav Silić (Zagreb City Libraries, Zagreb, Croatia): Zagreb City Libraries' Audio Catalogue
- Dunja Holcer and Nataša Bujas (Public Library and Reading Room Sisak,Croatia): All-inclusive Digital Archiving: The Next Step
- Tamara Krajna (U of Zagreb, Croatia): FAMENA's Library virtual tour
- Karmen Krnčević and Antonija Miše (City Library ‘Juraj Šižgorić’ Šibenik, Croatia): Digitalization of old newspapers from native land collection „Sibenicensia“ in City library „Juraj Šižgorić“ Šibenik : suggestion
- Marjan Marinković (Belgrade City Library, Belgrade, Serbia): He who has ears to hear, let him hear – audio archive
- Heike vom Orde (International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television – IZI, Munich, Germany): Digital Libraries and Lifelong Learning: ALADIN - The Adult Learning Documentation and Information Network
- Blanka Salatić (U of Osijek, Croatia) and Dajana Golenko (U of Rijeka, Croatia): Joint Venture of the Libraries of Faculties of Law in Osijek and in Rijeka in Discovering Old Books and Periodicals from the Middle of the 19th till the End of the 20th Century
- Vesna Špac (Brodarski institut , Zagreb, Croatia): Changes in the Library World: Digital vs Traditional Library
- Anna Tonakiewicz and Grażyna Komorowska (Main Library – Warsaw U of Technology, Poland): The WUT Main Library as an Example of Introducing New Ideas and Types of Accessing Electronic Resources
- Gregor Vidmar (MFC.2 d.o.o., Slovenia): An Application for the Digital Capture of Serial Publications
- Milko Belevski (Zadar City Library, Zadar, Croatia): Delmata Digitization Project
- Bruno Dobrić (University Library Pula): INO – Istrian Newspapers on-line: Presentation of Historical Istrian Newspapers on the Web: University Library Pula Digitization Project
- Cathal Hoare and Humphrey Sorensen (University College Cork, Ireland): Something Old, Something New – The Enhanced Ranked List
- Fra Tomislav Ćurić (Monastery of St. Frane, Zadar, Croatia), Marijana Tomić (U of Zadar, Department of LIS, Croatia), Maja Vukušić (U of Zadar, Department of LIS, Croatia), Zoran Velagić (U of Osijek, Department of Information Sciences, Croatia): How to prepare dusty old ladies for showing up in public: organizing library collection of a Monastery of St. Frane in Zadar
- Jadranka Stojanovski (U of Zadar, Department of LIS, Croatia): Croatian open access journal repository HRČAK usage analysis
- Mentor Cana (U of Rutgers, SCi, new Brunswick, Nj, USA): Scholars’ interaction with self-archived open access (OA) repositories
