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All submissions must be submitted electronically via the conference submission web page (inactive). Submissions will be accepted in Word and RTF (Rich Text Format) format.
General Layout and Formatting
Refereed paper length is limited to 16 pages (including all figures, tables, bibliography and appendices). Posters, workshops and panel summaries should be 2 - 3 pages in length. Additional layout guidelines as follows:
Formatted for A4 paper (8.5 x 11 inch paper).
Margins set to 25 mm (1”).
1,5-space between paragraphs, sections, and subsequent sections. Single-space paragraphs.
Single-column. Flush left.
Font face shall be Arial, 11 point size.
Titles shall be 14 point size, bold.
Subtitles shall be 12 point size, bold.
Style – use italics as little as possible (e.g. for titles of books, periodicals, and microfilm publications; anchors of a scale [e.g. 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent)]; use bold for title of sections and subsections.
Submission Style
For papers reporting on research, the background and purpose of the study should be stated first, followed by details of the methods, materials, procedures, and equipment used. Findings, discussion and conclusions should follow in that order. Appendices may be employed where appropriate. For papers reporting on best practices or other aspects of information science, the authors should strive for a structure that will be clear to their intended audience.
Submission Layout
Submission should begin with the title of the submission and the authors’ names, affiliations, and email addresses, as described and illustrated below. Use Author Notes only to supplement basic author information such as institution, addresses, and other contact information. Supplemental information includes disclaimers, notice of perceived conflicts of interest, and acknowledgements identifying grants and other sources of funding. Author Notes is also the proper place to acknowledge contributions from earlier studies, a doctoral dissertation, or a paper presented at a meeting. For other purposes endnotes should be used.
An informative abstract of 200 words or less must be included on the first page, followed by a maximum of 5 key word phrases.
There is no need to insert a page break after the abstract; continue with Introduction, sections, sub-sections, etc., text, tables, figures, equations, etc. as illustrated below:
Subsequent Pages Sections
Sections should be numbered hierarchically, starting from the Introduction, in the following manner 1.0., 1.1., 1.1.1., etc.). Double-space between paragraphs, sections, and subsequent sections
Instructions for Tables, Figures, Equations, and other visuals
General instructions: Embed Tables, Figures, Equations, and other visuals in the desired positions in the document. Insert tables using your word-processor’s native table layout functionality and features. Position table caption above the table and center both relative to the page, not the section. Number tables sequentially in series and separately from other graphics (e.g. Table 1., Table 2., etc.). Position caption below the figure or graph and center both relative to the page (e.g. Figure 1., Figure 2., etc.).
Title (bold, centered, Arial 14 point size)
First Author Name, Family Name (centered, Arial 12 point size)
Additional Authors (centered, Arial 12 point size)
Author Note (affiliation, address, email, etc.; superscripted Arabic numeral one (1))
Abstract [flush left, 200 words maximum]
1. Introduction [bold, flush left, title-case, Arial 12 point size]
2. Section heading [bold, flush left, title-case, Arial 12 point size]
Section content [normal, flush left, Arial 11 point size]
2.1. Sub-section heading [bold, flush left, title-case Arial 12 point size]
Section content [normal, flush left, Arial 11 point size]
Table caption [normal, centered, one line above table, numbered sequentially from the beginning]
[bold, column heading centered, sentence case] |
[bold, column heading centered, sentence case] |
[bold, column heading centered, sentence case] |
[row text, flush right, sentence case]
[normal font, centered] cell content |
[normal font, centered] cell content |
A chart, diagram, photograph, line drawing, or other image
Image caption [normal, centered, one line below image, numbered sequentially from the beginning]
Notes are of four kinds: content notes, copyright permission notes, table notes, author notes. Number content, copyright permission notes, and table notes consecutively throughout the article with superscript Arabic numerals following the content or quotation noted.
References and Citations
The accuracy and completeness of the references is the responsibility of the author. References to personal letters, papers presented at meetings, and other unpublished material may be included. The format for citation references in text for bibliographic references as been modified from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed., 2001). Citation of an author's work in the text should follow the author-date method of citation; the surname of the author(s) and the year of publication should appear in the text. For example, “Smith (1999) found that…”; “other researchers (Black & Tan, 2000) …”. Formats for citation of electronic references are provided on the APA web site:
References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the submission using a numbered style with no indentation in 11 point type. Each reference is one paragraph, following the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed., 2001), Chapter 4 guidelines as modified below.
Author last name, Author initial., repeat for up to three authors. If more than three authors, give the first, followed by et al. (do not italicize). (Publication year, in parenthesis). Article, Chapter, or other section title (do not italicize). Periodical, book, or other work title, volume (number, if any, in parenthesis) (all in italics). If the work is an edited compilation, such as conference proceedings, or collected readings, or similar, precede the title with “In “ + editor first initial, last name + “(ED)”. Follow the title with page numbers as a range [e.g. 44-67] (do not italicize, do not enclose in parenthesis or brackets). For books, proceedings, and other compilations, list place of publication + colon (:) + publisher. Close with full stop (.).
1. Kiggundu, M. (1981). Task interdependence and the theory of job design. Academy of Management Review, 6(3), 499-508.
2. Jonassen, D. (1997). Instructional design model for well-structured and ill-structured problem-solving learning outcomes. Educational Technology: Research and Development, 45(1), 65-95.
3. Jonassen, D. (2000). Toward a design theory of problem solving. Educational Technology: Research & Development, 48, 63–85.
4. Laughlin, P. (1980). Social combination processes of cooperative problem-solving groups on verbal intellective tasks. In M. Fishbein (Ed.), Progress in social psychology vol. 1, 127-155. Hillsdale , NJ : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
5. Li, Y. (2004). Task type and a faceted classification of tasks. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Providence, RI. Retrieved June 29, 2005, from
6. MacMullin, S., & Taylor, R. (1984). Problem dimensions and information traits. The Information Society, 3, 91-111.
7. Mcgrath, J. (1984). Groups, Interaction and Performance. Inglewood, NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc.
8. Perrow, C. (1967). A framework for the comparatively analysis of organizations. American Sociological Review, 32, 194-208.
A summary of the 5th edition of the APA manual can be found at this web site: research/r_apa.html
Guidelines for submissions to LIDA Proceedings has been based on ASIS&T Guidelines for (Poster, Panel, Paper) Submissions to Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings.