Wednesday, May 23

09:00 Opening
09:20-10:30 Ethics and information in the digital age - Inivited speakers
I. Foundations
09:20-09:40 Rafael Capurro: Ethics and Information in the Digital Age
09:40-10.10 Thomas Froehlich: Ethical Principles and their Application to Library and Information Work
10:10-10:30 Wallace Koehler: Moral Perspectives in Digital Libraries
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11.00-12:30 Panel: Ethics and on-line media (together with participants of the Conference Informational Technology and Journalism
12.30-13:30 Lunch break
13.30-13:50 Predrag Pale: Cybercitizen's need for copyright
13:50-14:10 Paul Sturges, Ursula Iliffe and James Dearnley: Privacy in a Digital Library Environment
14:10-14:30 Michel Menou: Digital and social equity? Opportunities and threats on the roads to empowerment
14:30-14:50 Martha Smith: Selection not Censorship: Collection Development in a Global Digital Age
14:50-15:00 Discussion
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
15.30-17:00 Workshop:
Paul Nieuwenhuysen: Online access to information sources and services
17.00-18:30 Tutorial:
Irene Wormell: Exploring databases as analytical tools (first part)
17.30-18:30 Workshop:
A1: Thomas Froehlich, Rafael Capurro: Foundations of information ethics
18:00-19:00 Time for sponsors' presentation
20:00 Welcome Party

Thursday, May 24

09:30-10:30 Ethics and information in the digital age - Inivited speakers
II. Application (cont.)
09.30-09.50 Wallace Koehler: Digital Divide and Ethics
09.50-10.10 Thomas Froehlich: Copyright and Fair Use: Fair Use as a Right?
10.10-10.30 Discussion and closing
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11.00-12.30 Workshops:
Michel Menou: Myths, realities and solutions regarding the "digital divide"
Marta Smith: International censorship and access issues
12:30-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-15:00 Information services: practice and research - Invited speakers
13:30-13:50 Robert Manger, Deputy Minister (Croatian Ministry of Science and Technology): Introductory speach
13:50-14:30 Tefko Saracevic: What is a 'collection' in digital libraries?
14:30-15:00 Robert Hayes: Economics of digital libraries
15:00-16:30 Workshops:
Irena Pilas & Zaneta Barsic-Schneider: Official publications on the Web - in Croatian
Malore I. Brown: Digital Libraries and Children's Collections in Public Libraries: Where do they meet?
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
17:00-19:00 Tutorial:
Irene Wormell: Exploring databases as analytical tools (first part)
17:00-19:00 Time for sponsors' presentation
20:00 Concert and coctail in the City library:
"Collegium Musicum Ragusinum"
Ivo Brangjolica, klavir
Pietro Cavaliere, klarinet
Sandy Cobenzl, violina
Giorgio Cavalere, viola
Vladimir Kapes, cello
Composers: Stamitz, Schubert, Haydn i Vidore

Friday, May 25

09:30-12:30 Information services: reasearch and practice
09:30-09:50 Marija Dalbello:The Virtual Archive and National Memory: a comparative study of the digital library models in the Europeann and North American Setting
09:50:10:10 Remigiusz Sapa: Academic library Web sites versus commercial Web sites: a comparative study
10:10-10:30 Dunja-Marija Gabriel, Koraljka Golub, Nikolaj Lazic, Robert Ravnic, Martina Dragija, Boris Badurina: Digital resources for people with disabilities
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:20 Tefko Saracevic and Marija Dalbello: A Survey for Digital Library Eudcation
11.40-12:00 Tvrtko Ujevic: Hybrid Library Project of the Croatian National Bank
12:00-12:20 Igor Ljubi, Gordan Gledec and Maja Matijasevic: WWW.HR directory: Adding value by use of metadata
12:30-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-13:50 Erda Lapp: The Intranet and the Internet in a University Environment: the Legal Framework
13:50:14:10 Albert K. Boekhorst: The Learning Library
14:30-16:00 Workshops:
Sofija Klarin, Sonja Pigac, Damir Pavelic, Paul Cunnea: Metadata on the Word Wide Web: an analysis of Croatian electronic publishing
D2: Jadranka Stojanovski: Library web sites: a content analysis
16:00-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-18:30 Tutorial:
Wallace Koehler: Virtual tutorial
16:30-18:00 Time for sponsors' presentation
20:00 Banquet

Saturday, May 26

Whole day excursion