
MONDAY, May 24 - Location: Aula Magna, University |
from 8:30 |
Registration |
9:00-10:30 |
Workshop A
Boris Bosančić (University J.J. Strossmayer, Osijek, Croatia) and Marijana Tomić (University of Zadar, Croatia)
Early printed books in research process: meet the specific needs of researchers of Croatian glagolitic early printed books using the TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) |
9:00-10:30 |
Workshop B
Robin Boast (Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, U of Cambridge, UK)
The use of ICT Tools for Knowledge organization in the Humanities |
10:30-11:00 |
Get Together Coffee |
11:00 |
Opening of LIDA 2010
Introduction by: Tefko Saracevic and Tatjana Aparac-Jelušić |
11:15-12:00 |
Key Note Speach:
Tefko Saracevic (SCIS, Rutgers U, NJ, USA): The book is dead! Long live the book! Reflections on e-books: diversity, growth, use |
12:00-13:00 |
Key Note Speach:
Gary Marchionini (SCILS, Chapel Hill, NC, USA): Toward Participatory Digital Libraries |
15:00-16:35 |
Reflections on Digital Scholarship
Anna Maria Tammaro (University of Parma, Italy)
Digital libraries as knowledge place for humanities scholars: a case study in Italy
Kempf, Klaus (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München, Germany)
Researchers and librarians hand in hand: The digital library as integrated part of emerging digital research environments. The approach of the Bavarian State Library (BSB)
Ana Dubnjakovic (Virginia Tech, Virginia; USA)
Predictors of Faculty Dependence on Academic Libraries for Research |
16:30-17:00 |
Coffee Break |
17:00-18:30 |
An Afternoon with a Guest of Honor:
Ed Fox (Virginia Tech, VI, USA) |
19:00 |
Welcome Party at the University |
TUESDAY, May 25 - Location: Aula Magna, University |
09:30-10:30 |
Experience and Research in Digital Scholarship:
Polona Vilar (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Analysis of information searching behaviour of young Slovenian researchers
Konstantinos Koumoutsos, Angelos Mitrelis, Giannis Tsakonas (Library and Information Center, University of Patras, Greece)
Evaluation Insights to Key Processes of Digital Repositories |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00-12:00 |
Short Papers and Demos
Bogdan Trifunović (Digitization Center, Public Library Čačak, Serbia)
Digital libraries and the challenge of a "digital dark ages".
Pejšová, Petra (National Technical Library, Prague, The Czech Republic)
User Interface of the National Repository of Grey Literature
Michael Brophy (Long Island University, New York, USA)
Virtualization Solutions for Digital Preservation
12:00-14:00 |
Visits (Researh Library, City Library, Museum of Ancient Glass with a special exhibition....) |
15:00-16:30 |
Students' Panel: Digital Natives: Who are they and who can educate them?
Chairs: Tomislav Jakopec, Biljana Đaković
Panelists: Martina Ferko, Cathal Hoare, Tanja Mercun, Jadranka Stojanovski, Romana Jadrijević |
16:30-17:00 |
Cofee Break |
17:00-19:00 |
Key Note speach: Vittore Casarosa (ISTI – CNR, Pisa, Italiy)
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities.
Panel on Digital Scholarship (V. Casarosa, M. Thaller, G. Marchionini, T. Saracevic, Ed Fox, R. Boast...)
Is a Cyberinfrastructure really needed for Digital Humanities? |
Free Evening (Cultural event)
WEDNESDAY, May 26 - Location: Aula Magna, University |
9:30-10:30 |
Invited Talk:
Frances Harris (Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Library FAIL: Digital expectations, legacy institutions |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00.12:30 |
Carol Gordon (SCIS, Rutgers U, NJ, USA)
The Effects of Digital Environments on Adolescent Engagement with Information and Reading
James E Herring (School of Information Studies, Charles Sturt U, Australia)
School students, information retrieval and the transfer of skills
Paul Kantor ( C&I, Rutgers U, NJ, USA)
The New Digital Library Symbiosis: the Digital Library and Its Digital Native Patrons |
13:00-15:00 |
Visits (Researh Library, City Library, Museum of Ancient Glass with a special exhibition....) |
16:00-17:00 |
Experience and research
Katarina Švab and Maja Žumer (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Slovenian school libraries: ready for new services?
Don MacMillan (University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Supporting undergraduate students in using digital biomedical information |
17:00-18:00 |
Velagić, Zoran; Tomislav Jakopec; Boris Bosančić (Department of Information Sciences; U of Osijek, Croatia)
Potentials of digitized contents: presentation of Edicija – digital library of Croatian printed heritage |
18:00-20:00 |
Poster Session (with Cheese and Wine) |
THURSDAY, May 27 - Location: Campus building |
9:30-10:45 |
Invited speaker: Ross Todd (SCIS, Rutgers U, NJ, USA)
The Problematic of Natives and Immigrants
Invited speakers: Marie L. Radford (SCI, Rutgers U, NJ, USA) and Lynn Silipigni Connaway (OCLC Research, OH, USA)
Digital Natives Meet Digital Libraries: Discovering their Behaviors and Preferences for Information Seeking |
10:45-11:15 |
Coffee Break |
11:15-12:30 |
Tanja Merčun and Maja Žumer (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Visualizing for exploration and discovery
Constantia Kakali (Panteion U, Athens and Ionian U, Corfu, Greece); Christos Papatheodoro (Ionian U, Corfu and Digital Curation Unit, ‘Athena’ Research Centre, Athens, Greece)
Could Social Tags Enrich the Library Subject Index?
Hoare Cathal and Humphrey Sorensen (Computer Science Department, University College Cork, Ireland)
Museums on the Move |
15:30-17:00 |
Ideas and experience
Buzina, Tanja (National and University Library, Zagreb, Croatia)
Five Years of the Croatian National Librarie's Web Archive : state- of-the-art and perspectives.
Thierry Robert and Clément Arsenault (École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l’information (EBSI), Université de Montréal, Canada)
Ludiformation: A database search game for teaching online searching
Kelly, Paula (Australia) Australia’s teen literature website
Khodorenko, Anna (U of Chemical engineering, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine)
Developing e-library and interractive on-line learning at Technical university of Ukraine |
17:00-18:00 |
Invited speaker:
Christine Borgman (UCLA, CA, USA)
The Digital Future is Now: What the Humanities can Learn from eScienc
via teleconferencing |
20:00 |
Welcome Coctail |
20:30 |
Banquet |
FRIDAY, May 28 - Location: Campus building |
9:00-10:30 |
PhD Forum – sponsored by ASIST
Kate-Riin Kont, PhD student (Institute of Information Studies, Tallinn University, Estonia)
Time-driven activity-based costing (TDABC) in assessing the effectiveness of university library: in the case of the Tallinn University of Technology Library Elena Corradini, PhD student (University of Zadar, Croatia)
Children and information sources: boundaries and barriers to high quality information retrieval
Marijana Tomić (University of Zagreb, Croatia)
Organization and appropriation of text in manuscripts and early printed books: research on selected Croatian glagolitic manuscript and early printed breviaries from the period from 1460 to 1561 |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00-11:30 |
Closing of LIDA 2010 and Introducing LIDA 2012 |
11:30-13:00 |
Workshop C
Emil Levine
How to Design a Digital Library: What You Do Not Learn in Library and Information School!!! |
11:30-13:00 |
Workshop D
Vittore Casarosa (ISTI – CNR, Pisa, Italy)
A reference model for Digital Libraries
Poster Session: Best posters at LIDA 2010
- Anita Papić, Josipa Selthofer and Igor Ignjačić (Faculty of Philosophy, U of Osijek, Croatia)
Digital native’s (in) formal learning environment
- Bogdan Trifunović (Digitization Center, Public Library Čačak, Serbia)
Should public libraries invest (more) in digital preservation? The public library in Čačak case study
- Dijana Machala and Lobel Machala (National and University Library, Zagreb, Croatia)
Library-user collaboration on bibliographical perspective
- Ivana Čadovska, Tihomir Vranješ and Tomislav Jakopec (Department of Information Science, Faculty of Philosophy, U of Osijek, Croatia)
Google generation: myth or reality? Experiences with students of the Faculty of Philosophy in Osijek
- Mirko Duić (Department of LIS, U of Zadar, Croatia)
Comparing “British Printed Images to 1700” digital library with prints digital libraries in Croatia
- Karmen Krnčević and Antonija Miše (Public Library „Juraj Šižgorić“, Šibenik, Croatia)
Šibenik on old postcards (preposition for digitalisation)
- Kate-Riin Kont and Signe Jantson (U of Tallinn Technology Library, Estonia)
Digital Scholarly Resources in Estonia – State Financing, Use and Expenditure of University Libraries
- Maja Janić, Tena Tormaš and Tomislav Jakopec (Department of Information Science, Faculty of Philosophy, U of Osijek, Croatia)
ICT for managing digital content
- Marcy M. Bidney (Donald W. Hamer Map Library, U of Penn State)
Mapping the Humanities: Illustrating the use of geographic information for the enhancement of Humanities research
- Maryam Moayer (U of British Columbia, Canada)
Know Facebook
- Nancy Fawley (U of Virginia Commonwealth, Qatar)
The Print-Internet Disconnect; Students are wary of the web but believe in print; Are we doing too good of a job?
- Nathan Graham (U of Rutgers, USA)
Emergence and Influence: Assessing Patterns of Organization in EPUB
- Paula Kelly and Lili Wilkinson (State Library of Victoria, Australia); Australia’s teen literature website
- Petar Lukačić (Public Library "Fran Galović", Koprivnica, Croatia)
How to bridge the gap between digital natives and digital immigrants: the experience of Fran Galović public library
- Tamara Krajna (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, Croatia), Alisa Martek (Croatian state archives, Zagreb, Croatia)
Buzzwords! Which language do they speak?
- Vasil Zagorov (State U of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria)
“Light/Dark side” of technological modernization in the Bulgarian field of book (2000 – 2010)
