Part I. Cultural, social and institutional effects and place of digital libraries.
Digital libraries are a world wide success, even though they are barely a decade old. Technology provides unprecedented access to a growing number of digital resources and library services. Digital libraries have spread in many fields, areas and institutions. Growth in their use is extraordinary. Numerous innovative practices have been developed and more are underway that account for this success and increased use globally. In fact, digital libraries are becoming a phenomenon with wide spread effects above and beyond libraries proper.
The goal of the first part of LIDA 2006 is to explore the place and role of digital libraries in the wider realm of culture and society, as well as in the specific realm of organizations or institutions where they are housed. Of interest is to examine the effects that digital libraries have on social and cultural environment and on institutional practices. Included are role and effects of digital libraries in specific areas, such as education, science, humanities, scholarship, publishing or given disciplines and professions, and as related to specific cultural and social institutions, such as museums, academies, historical societies, or government, as well as specific institutions, such as universities, academic departments, research institutes, hospitals and the like. Contributions cover research and scholarly papers and posters.
Invited are contributions (types described below) covering the following topics:
- social and global aspects of digital libraries; effect of digital libraries on scholarship, education, arts, and culture in general or on specific institutions in particular
- cultural, social, and institutional roles of digital libraries
- contributions to these roles of innovative features, services, practices, modes of access, and structures in digital libraries
- changes in cultural, social and institutional practices due to digital libraries – e.g. changes in education, professional practice, research, universities …
- projects that cross digital libraries, museums, archives, and/or other institutions
- studies of impact, value or significance of digital libraries
- barriers and obstacles to success of digital libraries in society and institutions.
Part II. Building a digital library for children and young adults
A variety of libraries (and not only libraries but other institutions and organizations of all shapes and sizes) are concerned with building or improving a digital library in their own domain, and for their users. As a consequence, digital libraries are reaching out to specific audiences and providing digital resources and services geared toward that audience. Traditionally, libraries all over the globe have successfully developed and provided collections and services for children and young adults. Now they are moving in a big way to develop and provide digital library resources and services for that audience. Besides being challenging, this is a highly motivated area, with great potential and prospects, some of them already realized.
The goal of the second part of LIDA 2006 is to share experiences from practice and research in development and operation of digital library resources and services specifically devoted to children and young adults. This involves existing state-of-the-art resources and services, as well s those that are on the drawing board or are contemplated for the future. On the practical side included are statements of principles and examples of best practices. On the research side, invited are examples of use of study results in areas such as literacy in information age in development of digital libraries for children and young adults. Contributions cover papers, posters, workshops and demonstrations.
Contributions are invited that approach building, maintaining, and improving digital libraries for children and young adults from a number of perspectives. These include:
- types of contents and services provided by digital libraries for children and young adults in public and other libraries and all schools – from preschools to high schools
- steps in design, development, and implementation of a digital library for that audience
- enabling the use of digital libraries for children and teens
- student learning in libraries in the digital age; implications for information literacy
- cultural heritage digital libraries in variety of institutions (museums, archives, variety of cultural institutors, government …), oriented toward that audience
- digital libraries and special education
- experiences in establishing digital libraries in schools and public libraries in small or isolated library environments; cooperative approaches; promoting and safeguarding the library; effects in their community
- library web sites for children and young adults – reaching out beyond the library
- “if you build will they come?” - needs, knowledge, skills of participant population; experiences with involving potential users – children, young adults, parents, teachers - in building and operating a digital library
- necessary competencies and continuing education for librarians and information professionals in libraries or library services for children and young adults
- evaluation of digital libraries for that audience
